Just you, your imagination, and a blank canvas.

The Super App concept; What factors have helped fuel their popularity. From personal experience of designing many financial Super Apps for various wealth management clients, what modern-day users now expect from this new digital experience.

Building a Wealth Management Super App – One-click at a Time

Generate a value proposition statement, align personas and apply them to a customer journey map. This led to ideation sessions and to a goal-orientated product roadmap.

— Goals > People > Feedback > Action

What specific UX workshop or ideation services do you need?

Need a proposal with a timeline for your future roadmap?

What factors have helped fuel their popularity and from personal experience of designing many financial Super Apps for various wealth management clients, what modern-day users now expect from this new digital experience.

Financial apps have grown from 16% in 2015 to 64% in 2021.

The evolution of the financial super app is getting closer every day — an all-encompassing ecosystem that allows you to oversee and manage yours and others finances.


The pandemic has changed people’s attitudes towards digital financial services. According to a survey by Economic Times, COVID-19 has forced more than 62% of global users to take more control over their spending using tools like wealth management apps.

The Gossler Seyler Associates Brand

Gossler Seyler Associates is a fictional brand. The UI and other visuals have been changed to protect the innocent.

The Super App concept; What factors have helped fuel their popularity. From personal experience of designing many financial Super Apps for various wealth management clients, what modern-day users now expect from this new digital experience.

What’s a financial super-app?


The Super App concept; What factors have helped fuel their popularity. From personal experience of designing many financial Super Apps for various wealth management clients, what modern-day users now expect from this new digital experience.

Put simply, a financial super-app is a careful balance between user experience and interconnectedness. Within one ecosystem, super apps typically enable;

  • In-app payment (incl. Scheduling)
  • Notifications on mobile
  • Financial Health-check (incl. Subscriptions)
  • Portfolio Management 
  • Account Types
  • File Storage
  • Industry insights

A financial super-app is an ecosystem of features and services that are, of course, built around the user’s needs.

The Super App concept; What factors have helped fuel their popularity. From personal experience of designing many financial Super Apps for various wealth management clients, what modern-day users now expect from this new digital experience.

Why Develop a Wealth Management App?

Solving problems for clients - Wealth management UX involves creating a product that helps clients track their portfolio, buy and sell commodities and monitor and manage their investments. They enable clients to manage their and their clients finances properly, become more disciplined and financially intelligent. Put simply, convenience.
Allow their lower-value clients to manage and monitor their own finances, more control for the user and time to modernise.

Solving problems for clients

  • When a relationship manager (AKA portfolio or fund manager) has too many clients to offer personalised advice, they want to allow their lower-value clients to manage and monitor their own finances.
  • Wealth firms want to stay relevant in our neobank world while retaining their clients. There is a generational change happening as Gen X and Millennials accumulate wealth. These customers are digital natives and want more control over their finances.
  • Wealth Management firms are living in the past as far as digital offerings and design! Time to modernise and break inefficient patterns.

The benefits of wealth management applications for users are impossible to exaggerate. They enable clients to manage their and their client’s finances properly and become more disciplined and financially intelligent. Put simply, convenience.

High Demand Among Users

Controlling one’s finances is now a lifestyle choice.

Money management is in high demand since it allows users to monitor investments directly on their devices. Clients may also use high-end tools, like benchmarking or currency exchange tools.

The Super App concept; What factors have helped fuel their popularity. From personal experience of designing many financial Super Apps for various wealth management clients, what modern-day users now expect from this new digital experience.
Portfolio Performance – In-app financial benchmarking involves running analyses to compare one company’s standards to another. This baseline is used for comparative purposes when assessing a portfolio.

Room for growth

Users often abandon the apps for finance management.

Insufficient functionality used to be prevalent, but today’s super apps aim to deliver customers’ expectations and beyond. Super apps eliminate the need to install several financial applications with different USPs. Users can securely Login with 2FA, register their devices and drill-down on Portfolio Details all in the same app.

The Super App concept; What factors have helped fuel their popularity. From personal experience of designing many financial Super Apps for various wealth management clients, what modern-day users now expect from this new digital experience.
Building a Wealth Management Super App – One-click at a Time. Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is the standard security process that provides two different ways to authenticate to your financial app service. In general, the first factor to authenticate is by using a username or email address and a password, while the second is typically a mobile phone

Finance Management Must-Have Features

Creating a themed premium white-label product for clients starts with brand. A Digital Design System is ‘the’ tool to kick-start this process, but UX designer also need to be mindful of;


Personalisation is a significant feature in many mobile applications, enabling avatars or customising what is essentially a client’s most personal device (i.e. their mobile) is a sure-fire way to build and maintain engagement. This can be sustained by future-scoping chatbots, saved filters and other unique features.

File Store on Mobile - Filters. Filters are a great tool to narrow down high volumes of content and to surface the most relevant results.
File Store on Mobile – Filters

Multi-factor Authentication

Securing your users’ accounts in a money management app is incredibly important, as they contain clients’ private information such as expenses, income and bank account details. See ‘Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)’ above for more info.

Portfolio Aggregation

Use Open Banking as the basis of your product so that clients don’t have to look elsewhere. Including on your offer general overview visualisations, performance, allocation and positions for example. It involves consolidating financial information from different sources, all behind the scenes. This is where the real value is, this backend consolidation aggregates all information at your clients fingertips, builds engagements and ensures they keep coming back, all in one app.

The Super App concept; What factors have helped fuel their popularity. From personal experience of designing many financial Super Apps for various wealth management clients, what modern-day users now expect from this new digital experience.
Investment performance – This is the return on an investment portfolio, with single or multiple assets, measured over a specific period of time and currency.

Wealth Management Design Best Practices

Applying UX best practices to your app is critical. Here are some tips for ensuring a best-in-class design.

Game-Changing Data Visualisation

The Super App concept; What factors have helped fuel their popularity. From personal experience of designing many financial Super Apps for various wealth management clients, what modern-day users now expect from this new digital experience.
Data visualisation on portfolio for mobile – Make it easy to view and comprehend trends, outliers, and patterns. Include in your Design System engaging visual components like charts, graphs, and maps.

Offer your users an irresistible alternative to old-school budgeting practices. Create eye-catching charts, infographics and dashboards with key metrics. Keep information clean, accessible and understandable.

Ensure Consistency

During your Discovery phases, ensure your decisions are made with meaningful UX top-of-mind. Consistency is king. It includes your corporate colours, fonts, application structure, and buttons. Do not overload your UI or impede tasks with visual clutter or ill-conceived colour palettes.

principles, patterns, components, and guidelines

What we are talking about here is a well conceived Design System

The Super App concept; What factors have helped fuel their popularity. From personal experience of designing many financial Super Apps for various wealth management clients, what modern-day users now expect from this new digital experience.
Building a Branded Experience – Creating a themed premium white-label product for clients starts with brand. A Digital Design System is ‘the’ tool to kick-start this process.

So, what are the lessons learnt?

It’s important to me, as a UX designer, whatever the industry to always build the experience around the user’s needs. Technically, it is a challenge to push through that ‘interconnectedness’ but what are other design learnings take-outs;

Have a Design System that rocks

Design System that rocks - Time to learn the difference between Design Tokens and Local Components.
Design System that rocks

Implementing a white-label to a product designed by somebody else, you need a slick working Design System. Take that time to learn the difference between Design Tokens and Local Components, to know where to use service-primary and to become that go-to guy, from your clients perspective, for all things UX.

Designers are from Mars…

The Super App concept; What factors have helped fuel their popularity. From personal experience of designing many financial Super Apps for various wealth management clients, what modern-day users now expect from this new digital experience.
Start delivering early and fast from day one

It’s the plain dirty truth but your clients don’t care about the nuances that UX designers do. For their super app, PMs, Stakeholders and other non-creatives will be focused on features, features and features. That said, stay true to your profession, put your big boy head on and re-enforce a truly Agile mindset then start delivering early and fast from day one.

If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it

The Super App concept; What factors have helped fuel their popularity. From personal experience of designing many financial Super Apps for various wealth management clients, what modern-day users now expect from this new digital experience.
Push-back and limit low value configuration on error messages that add little UX value

Scrum is a fast-moving train, if you’re not working lean, then you will get left behind. Educate clients in your kick-off meetings that this isn’t print and that software development in its true form, is iteration. Adopting an MVP mindset is key to not derailing the software development life cycle (SDLC);

  • Resist implementing client request UX changes ‘…because they can – rather than they should
  • Push-back on a low value configuration
  • Limit re-writing error messages that add little UX value
In-built configuration - White label products, by their nature, have configuration options built-in. Take advantage of what is out-of-the-box and don't waste you or your team's time by re-theming and re-changing components that ain’t broke
In-built configuration – White label products, by their nature, have configuration options built-in.


When at the cola face, trail blazing the rise of financial super app being a switch on UX designer with the following traits is key;

  • Define a financial super app as an ecosystem of features and services, we’ve covered the importance especially solving clients problems. 
  • The must-have features include personalisation, multi-factor authentication, and portfolio aggregation all wrapped up in game-changing data visualisation UX best practices and ensuring consistency.
  • All this is not possible without a design system that rocks, knowing when not to fix what ain’t broke and understanding that designers need to start delivering from day one.
The Super App concept; What factors have helped fuel their popularity. From personal experience of designing many financial Super Apps for various wealth management clients, what modern-day users now expect from this new digital experience.

— russellwebb.co.uk – UX Designer

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This is but part of a selec­tion of design articles Spindlelegs gen­er­ated for the creative community out there.

Please con­tact us fur­ther to dis­cuss if your brand really wants to ben­e­fit from this new immer­sive expe­ri­ence here: [email protected] If something has peaked your interest. Please leave a comment below.